The most important natural resource of the municipality are the forests ,the ‘’pillars’’ of the economy in Olovo town, preserved areas of natural values, combined with a source of mineral water, as well as hydrological resources, which have broader implications for the population in terms of water supply, and partly as a hydropower potential.

Natural resources available to the Olovo municipialty represent a solid basis for the overall social and economic development, and their efficient and rational usage contributes to faster economic growth.

Healing mineral water, areas of natural values and generally high quality of the natural environment, which will further increase with the construction of artificial lakes represent a significant comparative advantages of this region.

With a very favorable position that will gain on quality with the modernization of the existing road network, tourism and recreation of local and regional importance will become an important factor of development. Sport, recreation and fishing can be organized at the planned reservoirs which are intended primarily for the water supply.

Thus, preservation(saving), nurturing and improving the quality of the environment, which represents a complementary factor to healing mineral water, is an indispensable condition for the development of tourism.


Mineral resources

There are mineral resources at the Olovo municipialty area such as economically significant quantities of lead mine(Cerussite) and mining activity is dating back to Roman times.

Mineral resources represented in the municipality of Olovo are:

  • Non-metallic mineral raw materials ( of magmatic origin) which are very important in the construction industry as decorations, technical or architectural stone;
  • Non-metallic mineral raw materials (of sedimentary origin) which also have extensive application in the construction industry, primarily it refers to the calcareous limestone formations of Triassic age;
  • Metallic mineral raw materials – primarily there are the lead ore and mineral deposits of cerussite,
  • Thermal water – suitable for spa treatment.



Significant forest resources and the industry based on it have so far been a major development commitment, namely the total area of forest land is 27,821 ha or 68.1% of the municipality area.

It is insisted on the preservation, rational use and restoration of forests which also represent an important element of the quality of the natural environment.


Water potential

The town is located at the confluence of three rivers that flow through the Olovo municipialty: Bioštica and Stupčanica join here and therefrom form river Krivaja.

The surface streams on this area towards Ichthyological classification and ecological conditions belong to the type of clean salmonid water, with the exception of Krivaja river . These are extraordinarily good fishing areas, which are among the first category of sports and tourist fishing grounds and they are populated with common trout, grayling, river char , chub,makrel, barbel, etc. There are also inhabited crayfish and noble crayfish.

The beauty of mountain rivers Stupčanica and Bioštica , which join together and form river Krivaja, attracts a lot of lovers of sport fishing,as well as the ‘’friends’’ of nature in general who make up the majority of vacationers in the region.

The Krivaja river lies in the area of Olovo in the length of 35 km and provides excellent opportunities for various kinds of tourism. First of all, it gives the possibility of organizing rafting trips and there is the potential for the development of sport fishing and fly fishing.

In last few years the municipalities of Olovo and Zavidovići organized rafting on the river Krivaja, which is visited by more and more participants each year and crosses the distance of 72 km.

Despite three rivers, thermal water spring whose temperature is constant throughout the year are the biggest attraction. They are suitable for the treatment, first of all for skin and eye diseases. The hotel “Aquaterm” is always full in capacity.